
White House: Law And Order President Talks The Talk & Walks The Walk

A White House official stated to DrydenWire.com that the symbolism of this action is important

White House: Law And Order President Talks The Talk & Walks The Walk

Last night, President Trump took back control of the nation’s capital.

To ensure the safety and security of the American people, President Trump took decisive action to activate the National Guard and local police forces to take back control of Washington, D.C. He then walked from the White House across the street to St. John’s, which was tragically burned in Sunday night’s riots.

President Donald J. Trump walks from the White House Monday evening, June 1, 2020, to St.John’s Episcopal Church, known as the church of Presidents’s, that was damaged by fire during demonstrations in nearby LaFayette Square Sunday evening. Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead.

A White House Official stated to DrydenWire.com earlier today that the symbolism of this action is important as the rest of the country looks to our nation’s capital for leadership.

The President made clear that he will take all necessary actions to stop the violence and restore security and safety in America, according to the White House Official.

President Trump announced the mobilization of federal resources to stop the rioting, looting, arson, and destruction, and to protect the rights and property of law-abiding Americans. The President also called on Governors to activate their National Guard at whatever numbers they need to secure their cities.

Our nation was founded upon the rule of law, and, according to the White House Official, President Trump will not let that foundation be eroded by violence and hate.

“Through his leadership, and actions like yesterday’s announcement and walk to St. John’s Church, President Trump will continue to boldly protect and defend our citizens, and our country,” the White House Official concluded.

[Photo Credit: Shealah Craighead]

Last Update: Jun 02, 2020 2:40 pm CDT

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