Leadership, Experience, Intergrity... Vote Rowie For Mayor

'We are writing this letter to endorse Rowie Hansberger for Mayor of Shell Lake.'

Leadership, Experience, Intergrity... Vote Rowie For Mayor

We are writing this letter to endorse Rowie Hansberger for Mayor of Shell Lake. Rowie was encouraged to run for mayor by the current mayor, Sally Peterson after she submitted her resignation to the full council. Subsequently, she changed her mind. Rowie has been very involved in the Shell Lake Community. Rowie has been on the City Council for four years, and in fact, a majority of the full council is endorsing her! During her tenure, we have watched her work for the enhancement of city projects and policies. On tough issues, she listens intently and asks important questions before issues are up for the full council vote.

Rowie is a volunteer! As a registered nurse, she has participated in 4 medical mission trips to Africa, helping those in need. She has also volunteered countless hours with neighbors on many community projects, including the remodel of the Community Center, the new Shell Lake Police Station, and the beach shelter house. She is president of the Friends of the Library, dedicated to our city library, and is also the co-chair of the July Art Fair Festival. If something important is going on in the community Rowie will be one of the first to step up and say “Yes! Let’s get to work!”

We believe Rowie would be a great mayor and work to continually put the entire community first and work for all of our neighbors in Shell Lake. She has been a dedicated council member and she will be a dedicated mayor!

See you at the polls on Tuesday, April 2nd. Vote Rowie Hansberger!!

Supported by the following Friends of Rowie Campaign for Mayor Committee: Kenny Schultz, President of the City Council; Rob Anderson, City Council member; Peter Moen, Steve Lewis, Wanda & David Zeug, Steve and Jane Byrd, Carol Thompson, Dan & DeEtt Rayman, Mary & Mark Lipari, Ann & Darren Ruschy.

Last Update: Apr 01, 2024 7:28 am CDT

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