Legislators Introduce 'Embrace Them Both' Bill Package

"These four bills reaffirm what has always been the pro-life message"

Legislators Introduce 'Embrace Them Both' Bill Package

Madison, Wis. – Senator Romaine Robert Quinn (R-Cameron) and four State Representatives sent the Embrace Them Both package of bills to their colleagues in the Assembly and Senate asking for their co-sponsorship and support. These four bills reaffirm what has always been the pro-life message: that life begins at conception and that pregnant mothers, alongside their unborn children, should be given all the support and protection possible.

“I will always champion the sanctity of life that begins with the miracle of pregnancy,” said Senator Quinn. “Today, alongside my legislative colleagues, I am proud to offer these bills that clarify support for both the mother and the child. We have put together a series of bills that build upon each other to provide protection and assistance to pregnant women and their children at all stages of life.”

The four bills accomplish the following:

  1. Adds clarifying language to the statutes explicitly stating that a medical procedure designed to prevent the death of a pregnant woman, such as the removal of a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, is not an abortion.
  2. Increases the dollar amount taxpayers can claim as an exemption for every dependent from $700 to $1000. Furthermore, it extends that coverage to not only include children aged 0-17 but also unborn children for whom a fetal heartbeat has been detected.
  3. Funds Pregnancy Resource Centers with a dedicated grant of $1,000,000 per year.
  4. Creates an Adoption Financial Assistance Grant Program to make adoption a more affordable option for all Wisconsin families, funded at $5,000,000.

Representative Gae Magnafici (R-Dresser) said, “Our bills aim to define abortion clearly and protect the life and health of expectant mothers and unborn children. They clarify that abortion is the intentional termination of life, not performance of life-saving interventions and procedures. Join us in co-sponsoring these bills to reinforce life’s sanctity and ensure the well-being of all.”

“Allowing families that are expecting a child to claim the dependent tax exemption will better support families,” stated Representative Pat Snyder (R-Schofield). “Increasing the exemption demonstrates Wisconsin’s commitment to parents and children and will ensure that Wisconsin remains a great place to raise a family.”

Representative Amanda Nedweski (R-Pleasant Prairie) said, “I am proud to be a part of this coalition of pro-family lawmakers. This legislation is an investment in hope for children, for mothers, and for fathers. It affirms that all life has meaning and value, and that we are ready and willing to protect, uplift, and embrace it at all stages.”

“I am proud to stand beside my pro-life colleagues and co-sponsor these common sense bills that reiterate my belief that human life from conception to natural death is worthy of support,” added Representative Donna Rozar (R-Marshfield). “This pro-life package provides clarity to the definition for terminating a non-viable pregnancy which protects the judgement of a physician, invests needed funds in crisis pregnancy centers, recognizes an unborn child as a distinct human being prior to birth by allowing the child to be claimed as a dependent, and financially supports those who choose adoption. This package promotes all-important, life affirming legislative initiatives. These reasonable bills should move through the legislative process with bipartisan support and be signed by the Governor.”

The co-sponsorship window for all four bills closes on Friday, June 16th. The bill authors hope that both Democrats and Republicans join in support of these bills that embrace both the mother and child, and that the Governor will sign these pro-woman, pro-family, pro-life bills into law when they reach his desk.

This release has been edited to reflect the correct comments being attributed to Representative Amanda Nedweski.

Last Update: May 30, 2023 2:31 pm CDT

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