
Local Family Gives Up All For Those In The Democratic Republic Of The Congo

Outdoor Bluegrass Concert In Spooner Scheduled For June 23rd.

Local Family Gives Up All For Those In The Democratic Republic Of The Congo

SPOONER, WI - Will & Jenelle Wolf, along with their children have their eyes on a prize. It is helping the people living in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), many who live in isolated communities. This country has a rainy season that can last 8 months out of the year and only about 20% of roads are paved. It can take a week or longer to travel a mere 43 miles, but during the rainy season it can take up to 3 weeks! DRC - Democratic Republic of the Congo

Because of the difficulty of traveling by roads for any need, a plane is sometimes the only option. Will & Jenelle are working with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). Annually,MAF provides aviation services to more than 400 mission agencies, churches, and humanitarian organizations around the world. Without MAF, some of these organizations would be unable to reach the people they serve. Through these partnerships, MAF connects isolated people with vital services and goods while sharing the love of Christ in a tangible way. What We Do - Mission Aviation Fellowship

MAF-US service locations exist in 12 countries–changing the ending for isolated people by sharing Christ’s love through aviation. MAF uses aviation to overcome geographic, political and religious barriers, so that lives can be transformed through medical care, educational opportunities, clean water, community development, and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Where we go - Mission Aviation Fellowship

Will is a maintenance specialist who is able to maintain almost anything mechanical. Expertise such as this is needed to keep planes safe and in top condition. Jenelle is a stay-at-home mom and homeschool teacher and is looking forward to making connections with other moms and families in the community. You can find out more about their journey to this decision at Wolf, Will and Jenelle - Mission Aviation Fellowship

To support Will & Jenelle, their home church Cornerstone in Spooner, WI are hosting the following events that will connect them with others who can become a part of their team through prayer and financial support.

  • A free outdoor Bluegrass concert will be held on Friday, June 23 at 6:30 pm at Cornerstone. The bands Northern Crossroads and Highview Bluegrass will be performing. There will be food available throughout the event and a free will offering will be taken for Will & Jenelle.
  • A silent auction & corn feed will also be held at Cornerstone Church on Saturday, August 5 from 11-3 or whenever the corn is gone.

Before Will & Jenelle & family can go to the DRC, they need to raise 100% of their monthly support along with their outgoing fund. The outgoing fund covers the cost of their training and housing in the states, as well as the cost of language school in France to learn French, which is the main language in the DRC.

MAF has been helping people who live in isolated countries since 1945. History - Mission Aviation Fellowship

Will & Jenelle are excited about being a part of the MAF ministry and look forward to serving the people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. You can also access Will & Jenelle’s newsletters at Wolf, Will and Jenelle - Mission Aviation Fellowship

Last Update: Jun 16, 2023 7:27 am CDT

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