[Editor's Note: The following is a submitted Letter to the Editor (LTE) is regarding the previous LTE's from Rep. Adam Jarchow and Rep. Nick Milroy published on DrydenWire.com last week titled Jarchow, Milroy Debate on Wolves Continues. If you have an LTE you would like to submit, you may do so via email by sending to drydenwire@gmail.com.
Rep. Adam Jarchow’s recent broadside attack on Rep. Nick Milroy is just one more example of his continuing assault on sound, science based natural resources management.
Rep. Milroy did not cave in as Rep. Jarchow claimed when he didn’t support AB 712, a bill that would end the WDNR’s ability to monitor the wolf populations in the state. Rather, he understood this bill would undermine the DNR’s relationship with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the agency that’s worked with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources in wolf management for years. Additionally, he realized this bill would give ammunition to animal rights activists who want to see wolves remain on the endanger species list because they could use this bill in a court of law as proof Wisconsin isn’t capable of managing wolves.
While some segments of society will disagree, wolf populations need to be managed for the good of the public, our deer herd and the gray wolf itself. The WDNR has proven it’s capable of doing this if given management authority by establishing wolf seasons when allowed, without any negative impact to the statewide population.
Someday I hope to be able to hunt wolves legally, but without sound science proving to wary Judges we’re capable of this management authority, that isn’t likely to happen. Rep. Milroy understands that, and it’s an embarrassment Rep. Jarchow doesn’t.
Rep. Adam Jarchow’s shoot from the hip, knee jerk reactions to natural resources issues has been well documented. It’s time he realizes Wisconsin’s outdoor enthusiasts don’t just hunt and fish….we vote too.
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Last Update: Feb 06, 2018 3:12 pm CST