MacIver Institute: On the Ballot: Voter ID Amendment

A YES vote will ensure that a valid Photo ID must be used when voting in all future elections.

MacIver Institute: On the Ballot: Voter ID Amendment

WISCONSIN (MacIver Institute) -- Starting in 2011, Wisconsin voters were required by law to provide photo identification in order to vote; a commonsense provision to deter voter fraud. However, we know that laws can change over time, possibly this law could be changed or eliminated. In recent years, we have seen how the state Supreme Court has had justices who act as activists, and an activist court can wipe out the voter photo ID requirement.

Wisconsin’s Voter Photo ID Amendment is on the April 1 ballot as a potential constitutional amendment. The main purpose of the Amendment is to add the state’s voter photo identification requirement that already exists in state law to the Wisconsin Constitution, further protecting this law that upholds fair and constitutional elections in Wisconsin.

Question 1: Photographic identification for voting. “Shall section 1m of article III of the constitution be created to require that voters present valid photographic identification verifying their identity in order to vote in any election, subject to exceptions which may be established by law?”

This question is simple and to the point. There is nothing devious or nefarious about this language; don’t be confused.

A YES vote will ensure that a valid Photo ID must be used when voting in all future elections.

A NO vote will not enshrine the language in the Wisconsin Constitution, but the law will remain … for now, at least until there is a challenge in court.

Codifying the photo ID requirement in the Wisconsin State Constitution is essential to protect it from potential future legal challenges and legislative changes that could weaken or eliminate the law. This measure is necessary to prevent voter fraud and ensure the integrity of elections by making it more difficult for ineligible individuals, such as non-citizens and illegal residents, to vote. This move intends to safeguard the law and uphold fair and constitutional elections in Wisconsin by ensuring that only eligible voters can cast ballots.

The outcome of the April 1st election will determine whether Wisconsin’s voter photo identification requirement becomes a permanent fixture in the State Constitution, potentially shaping the future of voting rights and election laws in the state.

When aren’t we required to show our photo ID for the most simple and basic reasons? Voter Photo ID must be enshrined in the state Constitution for certainty in ensuring only legal votes are cast in all future elections.

Read more from the MacIver Institute.

About the Author

Annette Olson

Annette Olson is the CEO of MacIver Institute and a grassroots activist who builds coalitions around sound policy that helps Wisconsinites prosper.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher, its employees, or any affiliated organization. But let’s be real—you already knew that. Unfortunately, some people don’t, which is why we have to spell it out.

Last Update: Mar 27, 2025 7:28 am CDT

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