Master Gardener Volunteer Training Completed

Master Gardener Volunteer Training Completed

SPOONER, Wis. -- A dozen gardening enthusiasts have completed a three-month course through the University of Wisconsin Extension to become Master Gardener Volunteers.  The graduates represent communities in Burnett, Sawyer, Washburn and Barron Counties.

According the Kevin Schoessow, UW-Extension Area Agriculture Development Educator, “The new Master Gardener Volunteers will assist UW-Extension in delivering programs that address community needs related to horticulture and gardening such as, increasing food security through gardening, assisting school garden programs to promote science awareness and nutrition in kids, or facilitating gardening projects at schools, libraries, and other public and tribal community sites.”

To become a certified UW-Extension Master Gardener Volunteer participants complete 36 hours of training, pass a final exam, and complete 24 hours of volunteer service each year.

The training was held Tuesday evenings at the Spooner Agriculture Research Station and involved a different horticulture subject each week including: Annual, Perennial and Native Plants, Houseplants, Landscape Design, Fruit and Vegetables, Weeds, Wildlife, Soils, Insects, Plant Diseases and Low Input Lawn Care.  Participants learned from a wide range of instructors from University of Wisconsin, UW-Extension, local experts and through on-line materials.

The next training is in the planning stages for Spring 2018.  Anyone interested should contact the UW-Extension Area office located at the Spooner Agriculture Station to be added to the contact list.

Additional information:

Barron County:  In Barron County there is one Master Gardener Volunteer Intern who completed the course.  She is Carla TePaske from Cameron.

Burnett County:  In Burnett County there are three Master Gardener Volunteer Interns who have completed the course.  They are Barbara Foster (Danbury), Mark Fox (Webster), and Karen Pavlicek (Webster).

Sawyer County:  In Sawyer County there are three Master Gardener Volunteer Interns who have completed the course.  They are Cindy Lawson, Janet Wisdom and Pete Wisdom all from Hayward. 

Washburn County:  In Washburn County there are five Master Gardener Volunteer Interns who have completed the course.  They are Nikki Halverson (Spooner), Jane Lauterbach (Spooner), Karen Schultz (Spooner), Patryce Schultz (Spooner) and Sheila Squires (Shell Lake).

The Spooner Area UW-Extension and Master Gardener Volunteers sponsor the Master Gardening Volunteer Training.  For more information, visit  ttp:// or contact Kevin Schoessow, Area Ag Development Educator at 715-635-3506, toll free 800-528-1914, or by e-mail  Or contact Sue Reinardy, UW-Extension Master Gardener Volunteer, 715-462-3361 or

Last Update: Jun 13, 2017 12:59 pm CDT

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