Master Gardener Volunteer Training in Spooner To Be Held in 2017

Master Gardener Volunteer Training in Spooner To Be Held in 2017

Garden enthusiasts interested in learning more about horticulture and who have an interest in volunteering in their local communities can now register for the UW-Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Training program.  This program is a gateway to learning for personal growth, and a mission to volunteer through community events, school projects, outreach, and UW-Extension activities. 

The first session is scheduled to begin Tuesday, March 7 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Spooner Agriculture Research Station and continue each Tuesday evening through May 30, 2017. 

Participants will receive a minimum of 36 hours of in-depth horticulture training.  Each week a different horticulture subject will be explored including: Annual, Perennial and Native Plants, Houseplants, Landscape Design, Fruit and Vegetables, Weeds, Wildlife, Soils, Insects, Plant Diseases and Low Input Lawn Care.  Participants will learn from a wide range of instructors from University of Wisconsin, UW-Extension, local experts and through on-line materials.

Cost of the course is $125 or $200 for two people willing to share printed materials; the fee includes access to on-line lectures and instructional material, the UW-Extension Master Gardener Manual: Foundations in Horticulture, a one year membership to the Wisconsin Master Gardener Association, and speaker costs.  Registration deadline is February 15, 2017. 

The purpose of this program is to train volunteers to assist UW-Extension with community projects related to horticulture, gardening, and nutrition.  To become a certified UW-Extension Master Gardener Volunteer participants must complete 36 hours of training, pass a final exam, and complete 24 hours of volunteer service per year.

The Spooner Area UW-Extension and Master Gardener Volunteers are sponsoring the Master Gardening Volunteer Training. For more information and an application, visit or contact Kevin Schoessow, Area Ag Development Educator at 715-635-3506, toll free 800-528-1914, or by e-mail at  Or contact Sue Reinardy, UW-Extension Master Gardener Volunteer, 715-462-3361 or

The University of Wisconsin Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming.  Requests for reasonable accommodations for disabilities should be made prior to the date of the program or activity for which it is needed.  Please make such requests as early as possible by contacting your local UW-Extension Office so that proper arrangements can be made.

Last Update: Nov 29, 2016 7:51 am CST

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