The Campaign for the Primary Election has concluded. I would now ask that you exercise your right and privilege to participate in a free election. People from all over the world will never have the opportunity to do what you can do today!
Hopefully you have prepared yourself and become aware of the differences between the candidates in all of the races.
Be aware that when you get to the polls, you will be instructed to select the partisan ballot that you wish to vote on. In the Sheriff’s race, both my opponent and I are on the Republican ticket. You do not need to be a Republican to vote for Sheriff. I would encourage you to vote for Sheriff in the Primary (today) and then cross categories in the General Election on November 6th.
When you vote, think about these important points that determine the most qualified candidate: Education, Experience, Law Enforcement Management Training, and Past Performance/Achievements. Your future Sheriff should have ALL of these qualities in order to be a successful Sheriff.
Today, you will decide who your next Sheriff will be! Choose wisely.
I would be honored to receive your vote of confidence, to become your Washburn County Sheriff.
Mike Richter
Paid for by Mike Richter for Sheriff
Last Update: Aug 15, 2018 12:53 am CDT