
New Case Of COVID-19 Confirmed In Barron County

Late afternoon on May 1, an additional case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Barron County.

New Case Of COVID-19 Confirmed In Barron County

Press Release

Late afternoon on May 1, an additional case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Barron County. This brings the total positive cases to seven. The previous six have all recovered.

The newest case has no high-risk travel history and no known contact with a confirmed positive case. The individual is isolating at home. Anyone who has been in close contact with this positive case will be notified by Public Health.  

The State posts updates at 2pm daily. Due to the timing of this positive case, the information will not be updated on the State’s website or social media until 2pm tomorrow.

For more information on COVID-19 call 211 or visit:

  • WI DHS COVID-19: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/disease/covid-19.htm
  • CDC COVID-19: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

You can also follow Barron County Public Health or Wisconsin Department of Health Services on Facebook.

Last Update: May 01, 2020 4:24 pm CDT

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