New Director of the Spooner Chamber Sees Growth Ahead for Town

New Director of the Spooner Chamber Sees Growth Ahead for Town

Addie Erdmann, a Wisconsin native became the Spooner Chamber's Executive Director just a few months ago and has been busy around town meeting business owners and Chamber members. 

She from the Green Bay area and graduated from a junior college in Wausau where she received an associate degree in Organizational Communication. She then finished her B.A. degree in the communication field at the UW Eau Claire. Addie also chose to take two years of sign language instead of the usual choices of foreign languages. Two years is not enough she says and considers taking classes a few more years to be able to communicate on a higher level. "When you sign, you don't sign all the words being spoken; it's more like shorthand, it's more literal." 

She also has twelve years of water skiing to her credit, and she's ready to dig in and be an asset to the town and the Chamber. 

The Spooner Chamber is defined by their four “Jack” events including Jack Frost, Jack Pine, Jack O Lantern, Jack's a Hack golf tournament, and their spring wine tasting each year with the profits from the venue going to a non-profit organization in the area.

Addie is in charge of the Chamber's excellent website and attends both the executive Chamber board meeting and the regular meeting which is held the first Wednesday of each month at 8a. She's also a part of the Spooner BID committee which is short for Business Improvement District and is in charge of promoting the local businesses. 

She's a member of the Continuum of Care, COC, which is an organization began several years ago by organizations qualified to address the needs of folks struggling over rough spots in their lives.

You will find the Spooner Chamber office housed in the information building on River Street along with the tourism office, the information booth, and the Spooner Rodeo office. 

This pairing is a definite advantage, and Addie often talks with Michelle from tourism about the area and where it's going and how they can get it there. 

They are already discussing, along with many others with businesses on River Street, as to what plans they can make during the road construction from highway 70 north to Poplar Street in 2020. The construction will be restricting traffic on the main route through Spooner where the city will be repairing and replacing valuable water and sewer pipes. 

Addies' parents moved to the Spooner area only a few years ago, mom working at WITC and Dad with a physical therapy service in Rice Lake. They were the ones who saw the ad for the Chamber position and are delighted their daughter got the job.

So far it's a perfect fit for Addie with her studies in working with employees, bosses, and consumers and her youth and enthusiasm is good for Spooner and the Chamber. 

If you would like to contact Addie, either call 715-635-2168 and leave a message if she's not in or email her at

Last Update: Feb 10, 2018 8:06 am CST

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