New Elected Mayor Of Shell Lake Gives Thanks To All

"I’ll keep you up to date and involved in the effort by being a visible member of the community..."

New Elected Mayor Of Shell Lake Gives Thanks To All

SHELL LAKE, WI -- The old adage “ It takes a village” could not hold more truth in regards to the results of the Mayoral race that took place in Shell Lake on April 2nd.

As readers know, the results of Shell Lake’s mayoral race are now finalized, and I am both humbled and excited to have been elected as the next Mayor of Shell Lake. Before I take the oath and begin my duties, I’d like to start an ongoing conversation with the community by saying thank you. First, I’m thankful to have run a clean contest of ideas for the betterment of our community instead of one based on politics and personalities. I owe a special thank you to Sally Peterson, my fellow candidate who honorably served as Mayor for the past 10 years and ran as my good faith partner in our contest.

I can’t begin to name all the people who worked so diligently to get us to the finish line. Running for Mayor involves so many efforts. Our campaign was propelled to victory starting with obtaining the required signatures to get my name on the ballot, writing follow up letters, door knocking in a snow storm, canvassing all of Shell Lake to get the word out to vote, putting up yard signs, writing letters to the editor, fund raising…the list is endless.

The support we received from friends, family, neighbors and City Council members has been humbling. We won thanks to all of these efforts and all of the voters who believed in our ideas, approach, and potential.

I’m so excited to see what we will achieve over the next two years together in making this beautiful city of Shell Lake sparkle. I’ll keep you up to date and involved in the effort by being a visible member of the community and connecting with you through my monthly letter “What’s up in Shell Lake.”

I close with a heart felt and resounding THANK YOU, to all of those who helped me obtain this goal. I can’t wait to get started!

-- Rowie Hansberger l Mayor elect of Shell Lake

Last Update: Apr 05, 2024 9:58 am CDT

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