Notice of Upcoming Meetings for Sawyer County - 4/5/18

Notice of Upcoming Meetings for Sawyer County - 4/5/18

Note: The following committees, commissions, and boards may take action on any or all items listed on the agendas for the meetings included in this notice.

The Public Safety Committee of the Sawyer County Board of Supervisors will meet on Thursday; April 5, 2018; at 8:30 a.m.; in the Assembly Room of the Sawyer County Courthouse. The agenda will include: Meeting agenda; Minutes of March 1, 2018 meeting; Audience recognition; Judge’s report; Clerk of Court’s Office reports; District Attorney’s Office report; Sheriff’s Department report, including Jail report and Animal Control report; Coroner’s report; Emergency Management Department report; Child Support Department report; Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee update, Ambulance Service Department report; Other matters for discussion only.

The Sawyer County Bike/Ped Citizens Advisory Committee will meet on Thursday; April 5, 2018; at 1:30 p.m.; in the Assembly Room of the Sawyer County Courthouse. The agenda will include Existing Projects/Programs: Bike/Ped Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan (Maps) (Trails, Routes, Lanes); Town of Hayward 2018-2022 TAP Application, South East Loop (Walmart to Chippewa Trail) Status; LCO Bike/Ped Trail, Phase 2, Progress-Status, Final Phase?, Connection to County B Trail; Bike/Walk to School Day 2018; Birkie Project-Culvert for Birkie/Bicycles under Hwy 77; Bike parking racks (Stands); Sign Bike Routes (Trails), Funding and Implementation, City of Hayward, Town of Hayward, Adjoining Towns; Wisconsin Bike Federation. Future Efforts, Projects and Programs including Future of the CAC-Expand, Abolish, Replace with a non-profit? Expand CA Committee/Projects into adjoining Counties (Washburn initially) Add Representatives from Towns in Sawyer County, Other. Items for Discussion; Next Meeting

The Economic Development and University of Wisconsin-Extension Committee of the Sawyer County Board of Supervisors will meet on Monday; April 9, 2018; at 8:30 a.m.; in the Assembly Room of the Sawyer County Courthouse. The agenda will include: Meeting agenda; Minutes of March 5, 2018 meeting; Audience recognition; Sawyer County Agricultural Fair Association report; Broadband update including Broadband Forward Model Ordinance; University of Wisconsin-Extension Department report, Committee Mission; Northwest Regional Planning Commission report; Trails report; Bike/Ped Citizens Advisory Committee; Hayward Area Visitor and Convention Bureau report; Economic Development Corporation report; Other matters for discussion only.

The Sawyer County Health and Human Services Board will meet on Tuesday; April 10, 2018; at 6:30 p.m.; in the Assembly Room of the Sawyer County Courthouse. The agenda will include: Meeting agenda; Minutes of March 6, 2018 meeting; Audience recognition; Health and Human Services Department report, including LCO Liaison Committee report; Residential services (Transitions); Economic Support Consortium update; Oasis juvenile residential facility; Budget performance report; Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee; Other matters for discussion only.

The Sawyer County Land, Water, and Forest Resources Committee will meet on Wednesday; April 11, 2018; at 8:30 a.m.; in the Assembly Room of the Sawyer County Courthouse. The agenda will include: Meeting agenda; Minutes of March 7, 2018 meeting; Public Comments; Event dates – CAMBA womens weekend Mt. Bike Clinic, June 2-3, Seeley Lions PreFat Mt. Bike Race, August 18; Sawyer County Treasurers Department- OTC Land Sale Application, Town of Bass Lake Parcel No. 002-130-09-3700, Northwoods Beach-Abendpost Beach Subdivision Lot 37 Block 9; Land Records and County Surveyor Department report; Forestry Department report, including Spring Timer Sale Bid Approval, ATV/Snowmobile grant applications and Resolution for outdoor recreation aids, Nelson Lake Park improvement project funding request, Update of Nelson Lake MOU, Discussion on Intergovernmental Cooperation for negotiation of property acquisition to protect municipal drinking water and provide park and non-motorized amenities in southwest Sawyer County, Recreational trails report, County and DNR forestry reports; Zoning and Conservation Department report, including U.S.F.S. MOU Invasive Species, Tiger Cat Dam Resolution; Tiger Cat Dam Update, USDA report, and LCO report; Other matters for discussion, Future Topics, Committee mission statement- Develop, guide and implement policies that protect and ensure the sustainability of our biodiverse community.

The Public Works Committee of the Sawyer County Board of Supervisors will meet on Wednesday; April 11, 2018; at 6:30 p.m.; in the Assembly Room of the Sawyer County Courthouse. The agenda will include: Meeting agenda; Minutes of March 7, 2018 meeting; Audience recognition; Sawyer County Airport report, including L & L Aviation (contracted Airport management) report, and Report of Entitlements: Received, spent, and remaining;; Maintenance Department report, including Project report and Southern Ambulance Station; Highway Commissioner’s report, including Fund Balance and Overtime report; Future Agenda Items, including Sawyer County Airport management contract; Other matters for discussion only.

The Administration Committee will meet on Thursday; April 12, 2018; at 8:30 a.m.; in the Assembly Room of the Sawyer County Courthouse. The agenda will include: Meeting agenda; Minutes of March 8, 2018 meeting; Audience recognition; Veterans Service Department report; County Treasurer’s report; Information Technology Department report; County Administrator’s report, Other matters for discussion only.

The Sawyer County Board of Supervisors will meet on Tuesday; April 17, 2018; at 6:30 p.m., in the Large Courtroom of the Sawyer County Courthouse. The agenda for the meeting will be provided on the Friday before the meeting.

The Zoning Committee of the Sawyer County Board of Supervisors will meet on Friday; April 20, 2018; at 8:30 a.m.; in the Large Courtroom of the Sawyer County Courthouse. The Zoning Department provides notice of Zoning Committee meetings, including agenda items.

Carol Williamson, Sawyer County Clerk

Any person wishing to attend whom, because of a disability, requires accommodation, should call the Sawyer County Clerk’s Office (715.634.4866) at least 24 hours before the scheduled meeting so appropriate arrangements can be made.

Last Update: Apr 05, 2018 8:48 am CDT

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