Polk Co. Sheriff Pete Johnson Will Not Seek Re-Election

Polk Co. Sheriff Pete Johnson Will Not Seek Re-Election

Attorney General Brad Schimel (right) talks with Polk County Sheriff Pete Johnson (left).

Sheriff Peter Johnson announced he will not seek re-election as Polk County Sheriff.

Johnson will step down when his second four-year term ends in January of 2019.

“It has truly been my honor to serve as the Polk County Sheriff for the past almost eight years,” he said in a statement.

 “In August I will begin my 29th year in law enforcement with 19-1/2 of them being in Polk County. Law enforcement is a profession that I care deeply about and I do not leave it easily; however, the time is right for me to retire at the end of my term and move on to other opportunities.”

Johnson noted one of the opportunities he may consider in the future is how he can continue to serve the county in a different capacity.

“What capacity this is exactly I haven’t decided but I love Polk County and can’t imagine being anywhere else,” he said.

“Overall, I am proud of what my team and I have accomplished during my time in office. I wish the best to whoever next has the honor of being elected Sheriff of Polk County. I am leaving them with a great staff and a strong foundation from which they can continue to build and move forward.

“In closing I would like to thank the citizens of Polk County for placing your trust in me for the time you have.”

Last Update: Apr 10, 2018 11:57 am CDT

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