
Poverty Summit To Focus On Community Resources

CCP is a county-wide coalition formed to address the issues of poverty in Barron County

Poverty Summit To Focus On Community Resources

Community Connections to Prosperity (CCP) is a county wide coalition formed to address the issues of poverty in Barron County.  The coalition has been working to find solutions to help individuals and families out of poverty and into prosperity. One major goal of the coalition is to better serve people through the coordination of resources and services. 

“Finding a better way to help people, that’s what this is all about,” says Sarah Turner, Vice Chair of the coalition. “We need to find a way to really help people. A way to help meet all their needs in a much simpler way.”

One way the coalition plans to help address this is by promoting the use of a self-sufficiency tool within community agencies. The Bridge to Self-Sufficiency is a roadmap tool that has been developed and adapted from Economic Mobility Pathways. This tool is for use with adults in Barron County, as a measurement context for identifying growth opportunities to become self-sufficient. This tool can navigate through many of the significant foundations to secure a life that leads to increased financial security.

“Our goal is to train as many people in Barron County as possible, explains Missy Bablick, Coalition member. “We want to use the Bridge in a community wide approach. If all the different services and agencies use the same tool, to help people in the same way, we can really make a difference.”

On November 6th, CCP will be holding a Summit to train interested agencies, professionals and community members in the Bridge to Self-Sufficiency tool. The summit will also include a gathering of resources. The Bridge identifies 6 key pillars; Family Stability, Well-being, Financial Management, Education and Training, Employments and Career Management and Mobility. During the summit, participants will be asked to help identify resources in Barron County that fit within the 6 pillars. 

All community members are invited to attend this event, whether to be trained, help identify resources, or just learn more about this project. 

The summit will take place on November 6th from 11am-1pm at WITC in Rice Lake. The event is free but registration is required. Lunch will be provided at no cost.  Space is limited so sign-up on-line at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/november-2019-poverty-summit-tickets-77926491233 or call Lori at 715-736-2437.

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Sarah Turner at 715-537-6169 or email at Sarah.turner@co.barron.wi.us .

Last Update: Oct 28, 2019 8:42 am CDT

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