Pre-Register for Grape Pruning Workshop - Saturday April 14

Pre-Register for Grape Pruning Workshop - Saturday April 14

SPOONER -- UW-Extension and the Spooner Agriculture Research Station will be hosting a grape pruning workshop on Saturday, April 14, 2018, from 10 AM - 2:30 PM.  The workshop will include a short classroom discussion on basic grape management, grape training systems and pruning, followed by an outdoor pruning demonstration.  The pruning workshop and demonstration will be led by, Kevin Schoessow UW-Extension Agriculture Development Educator for Burnett, Washburn and Sawyer Counties.  

The indoor session will be held in the meeting room at the Spooner Agriculture Research Station headquarters at W6646 Hwy 70 just east of Spooner.  The pruning demonstration will be held outside (come dressed appropriately) in the Teaching and Display Garden located on Orchard Lane.

There is no cost and the event is open to the public.  Pre-registration is requested by contacting Lorraine Toman at the Spooner Area Agriculture Agents office at 715-635-3506 or online by viewing the event posting on the Spooner Agriculture Research Station’s website at

The University of Wisconsin Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming.  Requests for reasonable accommodations for disabilities should be made prior to the date of the program or activity for which it is needed.  Please make such requests as early as possible by contacting the Area Ag Agents office so that proper arrangements can be made.

Last Update: Mar 22, 2018 1:20 pm CDT

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