Railroad Park Committee Meets to Set Up Project Priority List

Railroad Park Committee Meets to Set Up Project Priority List

SPOONER, Wis. -- On Tuesday, August 29th the Railroad Park Committee met at the roundhouse to discuss the future of Spooner’s Railroad Park. Already the first phase of landscaping is under way with the grounds being cleaned up, and the area is beginning to look fantastic. There are many great projects and ideas for the park and for the roundhouse. In fact, there are so many that the group has decided to start prioritizing the projects to take on as fundraising is being done. The first project that will be focused on is the Landscaping/Plaza/Historical Sign project. This will begin with a meeting to design the initial plan for landscaping including entrance to the park area, walkways, plaza, historical signs, and more. This project was chosen as first priority as it will make the park area very usable and welcoming for residents and visitors to be able to enjoy. The second project will be to incorporate picnic tables and benches throughout the park. After the first two projects are complete, the focus will be on installing an aesthetically pleasing fence around the turntable, and securing the roundhouse with new doors, windows and security system.

The committee is thrilled with the forward progress on the project and will be meeting monthly to keep the project on the right track and moving forward. Many people have asked how they can help or get involved in the project. First, feel free to attend our meetings. All meetings are posted at city hall and you can even be added to our distribution list if you’d like to receive notifications of the meetings. Second, we are beginning the fundraising process. If you’re able, we’d love for you to donate the project. We’ve included our donation levels below for your information. You can also go online to our website, www.SpoonerRailroadPark.com to view the donation levels and keep up to date on our progress. Thank you to all who have donated and helped with the project so far. We look forward to seeing what the future holds for Spooner’s Railroad Park!

Spooner Railroad Park Donation Levels: 

  • Gandy Dancer-<$250: Receive recognition on website
  • Engineer-$250-$999: Receive recognition on website and 4x8 brick installed at the entry to the park
  • Conductor-$1,000-$4,999: Receive logo & recognition on website and 8x8 brick installed at the entry to the park
  • Yard Master-$5,000+: Receive logo & recognition on website, 8x8 brick installed at the entry to the park, and a tree or a bench in your honor. 

Donations can be mailed to: Friends of the Railroad Park, PO Box 548, Spooner, WI 54801. Please call if you have any questions, either to Friends of the Railroad Park 715-416-4622 or Terri Reiter at 715-416-2995. We will be looking for volunteers as well! Stay tuned for more updates

Last Update: Sep 05, 2017 4:00 pm CDT

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