Rep. Edming: Hazardous Waste Clean Up Bill Becomes Law

New law provides funding to clean up hazardous electronic waste left behind by 5R Processors

Rep. Edming: Hazardous Waste Clean Up Bill Becomes Law

MADISON -- On Friday, Assembly Bill (AB) 943 that provides funding to clean up hazardous electronic waste in several Wisconsin communities was signed into law. This critical legislation, authored by Representative James Edming (R-Glen Flora) and Senator Jerry Petrowski (R-Marathon), provides up to $2.5 million in funding for the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to contract for the removal of the hazardous electronic waste left behind by the now-defunct company 5R Processors. This waste is currently contained in several semi-trailers and warehouse facilities located in Rusk, Price, and Washington Counties.

“I am incredibly pleased that Governor Evers has signed this critical bipartisan legislation into law,” said Rep. Edming. “I was proud to work with Senator Petrowski, the bipartisan group of co-authors, and local leaders to get this important legislation across the finish line.”

Investigations of 5R by the DNR and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency discovered a great deal of illegal activity on the part of the company, including the storing of hazardous waste at unpermitted facilities, transporting hazardous waste without the required manifest, and concealing these violations from state regulators.

“While we would all like to see those who are responsible for this hazardous waste pay for the cost of the cleanup, they are likely to never have the money to do so,” said Rep. Edming “This new law is a big step forward in helping the communities impacted by 5R. I would like to thank Ladysmith City Administrator Al Christianson and Rusk County Administrative Coordinator Andy Albarado for their advocacy on this issue on behalf of the people of Ladysmith and Rusk County.”

AB 943 was signed into law as Act 234.

The 87th Assembly District includes portions of Clark, Marathon, Rusk, Sawyer and Taylor Counties.

Last Update: Apr 11, 2022 9:06 am CDT

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