Rep. Green Responds To Governor’s Budget Address

Rep. Chanz Green is cautiously optimistic with Governor Tony Evers’ budget request to the Wisconsin State Legislature and issued the following statement.

Rep. Green Responds To Governor’s Budget Address

Madison – Rep. Chanz Green (R-Grandview) is cautiously optimistic with Governor Tony Evers’ budget request to the Wisconsin State Legislature and issued the following statement:

“I look forward to going through the governor’s budget and making sure it is fiscally responsible and has the 74th Assembly District’s best interests in mind.”

Due to the Republican budgeting decisions over the past four years, Wisconsin is in the strongest fiscal position it has ever been. These decisions have created the largest projected surplus in the state’s history. Also, the rainy day fund is at its highest level in the state’s history.

As permitted by state law, Governor Tony Evers’ proposed budget will be introduced to the Joint Committee of Finance for review. As that is going on, the committee will plan on holding listening sessions around the state to gather input from the citizens of Wisconsin.

Constituents can contact our office by emailing or by calling (608) 237-9174. Please feel free to contact our office with questions or concerns about the budget.

Last Update: Feb 16, 2023 8:17 am CST

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