Rep. Magnafici Supports Revoking Governor’s Emergency Powers

'If a Joint Resolution revoking the Governor’s emergency powers is brought to the Assembly floor, I will vote for it'

Rep. Magnafici Supports Revoking Governor’s Emergency Powers

Press Release

MADISON -- On Wednesday, Rep. Gae Magnafici (R-Dresser) announced her support for a Joint Resolution revoking Governor Evers’ issuance of Executive Order #82, which implemented another 60-day public health emergency, and Executive Order #1, ordering a statewide mask mandate.

“I strongly oppose the Governor’s recent invocation of his emergency powers and the issuance of a statewide mask mandate. If a Joint Resolution revoking the Governor’s emergency powers is brought to the Assembly floor, I will vote for it.”

“As we continue to deal with this pandemic, our focus should be on a regional approach that prioritizes our healthcare and long-term care facilities and protects our vulnerable and elderly populations.”

“Since the pandemic began, the percentage of residents that have tested positive for coronavirus in our community are .13% in Burnett County, .29% in Polk County, and .52% in St. Croix County. Our community has been effective at slowing the spread of coronavirus and we have done so with no government rules or orders since the middle of May.”

“Individuals have the right to choose whether to wear a mask and businesses can require their customers to wear masks. It is not the Governor’s role to issue far reaching orders that touch every resident of Wisconsin without the input of the Legislature.”

Rep. Gae Magnafici represents portions of Polk, Burnett, and St. Croix Counties.

Last Update: Aug 06, 2020 6:41 am CDT

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