Rep. Magnafici Takes Lead On Accountability

'The first bill, Assembly Bill 414, ensures racist and sexist ideas such as Critical Race Theory are not pushed on state employees.'

Rep. Magnafici Takes Lead On Accountability

Press Release

MADISON, WI – Rep. Magnafici (R – Dresser) announced two bills she authored passed the State Assembly today, both aimed at bolstering transparency and accountability to taxpayers.

The first bill, Assembly Bill 414, ensures racist and sexist ideas such as Critical Race Theory are not pushed on state employees.

“Lately, we’ve seen a push from the left to teach divisive topics that stereotype people based on their skin color. My bill simply prevents Governor Evers’ racist and sexist training such as Critical Race Theory from being forced onto our exceptional public employees.”

The second bill, Senate Bill 373 makes school spending transparent to the public. Currently, school budgets are technically available to the public but not always easily digestible. It now heads to the Governor’s desk.

“Senate Bill 373 creates a portal that will help the public better interact with their school districts by consolidating financial information that is already being reported to the Department of Public Instruction. After nine years of increased school spending under the Republican Legislature, it’s time to increase transparency. My bill passed on a bipartisan basis and is supported by the Department of Public Instruction, so I’m confident Governor Evers will sign it.”

Last Update: Sep 29, 2021 8:35 am CDT

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