Rep. Magnafici Votes To Protect Preexisting Conditions

Representative Magnafici gave her maiden speech in the Wisconsin State Assembly

Rep. Magnafici Votes To Protect Preexisting Conditions

Representative Gae Magnafici (R-Dresser) gave her maiden speech in the Wisconsin State Assembly on Tuesday. Rep. Magnafici spoke in support of Assembly Bill 1, which will protect insurance coverage for Wisconsin residents with preexisting conditions. Rep. Magnafici is a co-author of the bill and testified in favor of the bill at the committee hearing.

Magnafici commented, “I ran for office because I care deeply about this issue. As I knocked on doors across Polk, Burnett, and St. Croix counties, it was very clear that preexisting conditions was a major issue for the people of my district. I made a promise to the people I met that if elected, I would fight to protect coverage for preexisting conditions. Today I followed through with that promise by voting in favor of this bill.”

Assembly Bill 1, if enacted into law would ensure that every Wisconsin Resident is guaranteed insurance coverage if the Affordable Care Act, often referred to as Obamacare, is repealed. The bill is the first bill to be taken up Assembly Republicans during the new legislative session.

Last Update: Jan 23, 2019 3:05 pm CST

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