
Rep. Milroy Says He is 'Absolutely Disgusted' by President's Comment

Rep. Milroy Says He is 'Absolutely Disgusted' by President's Comment

Representative Nick Milroy (D-South Range), took to his Facebook page today to voice his displeasure of President Trump’s comments on accepting immigrants from certain countries.

Rep. Milroy shared a post from NBC NewYork titled: "'The Greatest Honor:' Haiti-Born Cadet Weeps at His West Point Graduation."

Sharing the article on his Facebook page, Wisconsin's 73rd District Representative added:

"Our nations military has long filled the ranks with immigrants, first generation Americans, and the poor. When I served, one of my closest friends was a first generation Puerto Rican American. He would send nearly all of his paycheck back to New York so that his parents and brother could have a better life. I also was fortunate to serve with many Philippinos’ who were not even US citizens. They proudly served with the promise of citizenship after service. The vast majority of people that I served with were looking for a way out poverty and came from what our president might describe as 's- - - -hole neighborhoods.'

"Well I have a message for our Commander-in-chief, these are the people that have always made our country great not the privileged few who came from extreme wealth and did everything in their power to avoid military service.

"I am absolutely disgusted by our Presidents words and actions, especially his nonstop attack on people of color and immigrants. People who go to great lengths to carve out a better life for themselves, their families, and their communities are what makes America great. We are a better nation because of them, and worse because of President Trump and those who stand by his hateful rhetoric and actions."

Last Update: Jan 12, 2018 3:33 pm CST

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