
Rep. Nick Milroy On The 2019 Executive Budget

Northern Legislator Applauds Governor Evers’s Commitment to Rural Wisconsin

Rep. Nick Milroy On The 2019 Executive Budget

MADISON –State Representative Nick Milroy (D-South Range) praised several provisions in Governor Tony Evers’s proposed budget for the 2019-21 biennium, and reflected on the new administration’s increased support for rural communities.

“As a staunch supporter of public education, I am pleased with Governor Evers’s commitment to returning to 2/3 investment in our K-12 schools, as well as significant investments in our technical schools and UW System,” said Milroy. “The governor’s budget also provides resources to expand broadband, with priority given to the ‘unserved’ and ‘underserved’ areas in Wisconsin. These initiatives will significantly enhance economic development for our area of the state.”

“On a similar note, Governor Evers has finally put Wisconsin on the path of fixing our state transportation issues,” Milroy continued. “Instead of continuing to kick the can down the road, this budget provides long–term, sustainable solutions for improving our road systems. While the budget partially funds this initiative with an eight-cent gas tax, Governor Evers’s budget also removes a hidden fourteen-cent tax, meaning we may actually see lower prices at the pump.”

In addition, Milroy expressed his support for a number of specific proposals that would greatly benefit Northwest Wisconsin residents, including:

  • Increased funds for clean water initiatives
  • Expanding Medicaid coverage in Wisconsin, providing health coverage to an additional 82,000 individuals
  • Adjusting the Homestead Tax Credit, increasing the maximum income limit and implementing indexing for inflation
  • Raising the minimum wage one dollar on January 1, 2020, then 75 cents each year for three years beginning in 2021, and by the change in the consumer price index for each year thereafter
  • Improving unemployment benefits by increasing the maximum weekly benefit rate from $370 to $406, and removing the one-week waiting period

“The people of Northwest Wisconsin should feel good about the priorities put forward in the Governor’s budget,” Milroy concluded. “For too long, rural areas have felt like somewhat of an afterthought in state policy discussions. It’s encouraging to see Governor Evers place an emphasis on issues that positively impact the residents of northern Wisconsin.”

Last Update: Mar 01, 2019 12:05 pm CST

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