
Rep. Quinn Calls For Democrats, Republicans To Work Together For Wisconsin

"I am humbled and honored by the overwhelming support I received this year; it couldn’t have happened without Republican and Democratic members of our communities voting for me."

Rep. Quinn Calls For Democrats, Republicans To Work Together For Wisconsin

Madison – Representative Romaine Quinn (R-Barron) said today that he is looking forward to continuing to work across the aisle to move Wisconsin forward. He issued the following statement:

In the Northwoods, we believe in getting things done, not lobbing attacks at the other side. Although our district continued its support for Scott Walker, we look forward, not backward. The people of the 75th Assembly District elected me to keep finding solutions, and that remains true regardless of who is Governor.

It is a point of pride for me to say that over the last session, many of my bills have had strong bipartisan support – bills like Collin’s Law, broadband expansion, and the Rural Wisconsin Initiative’s packages have been ideas both sides could get behind.

Our motto is Forward. Although our parties will have honest differences of opinion, if we go forward by looking for areas of agreement, rather than division, I believe we can accomplish a great deal of good for everyone in this state. I am dedicated to working in good faith with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to do what is best for Wisconsin, and I hope that as Governor, Tony Evers will extend the same good faith to working with the Republican majorities in the Assembly and Senate.

I am humbled and honored by the overwhelming support I received this year; it couldn’t have happened without Republican and Democratic members of our communities voting for me. Regardless of how you voted this year, we are all still neighbors and I am committed to sitting down with anyone who has a question or concern. My mission will continue to be to represent everyone in the 75th District honestly and proudly.

Last Update: Nov 08, 2018 4:35 pm CST

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