Rep. Quinn Votes To Pass Coverage For Pre-Existing Conditions

The Pre-Existing Condition Guaranteed Coverage Act offers protections through three provisions

Rep. Quinn Votes To Pass Coverage For Pre-Existing Conditions

Representative Romaine Quinn (R-Barron) said he was proud to vote for passage of Assembly Bill 1, the Pre-Existing Condition Guaranteed Coverage Act. With approximately one out of six people in Wisconsin diagnosed with a pre-existing condition, this bill will guarantee access to coverage regardless of changes that may happen at the federal level.

“Like many folks in the 75th District, my family has a long history of battling illnesses that are defined as pre-existing conditions,” said Rep. Quinn. “I was proud to take to the Assembly floor and speak on behalf of those that struggle to maintain their health and their insurance coverage. With the passage of these protections behind us, we must now refocus our energy on reducing the actual cost of healthcare, which is still far too high for many.”

The Pre-Existing Condition Guaranteed Coverage Act offers protections through three provisions. It prohibits those with a pre-existing condition from being denied a policy, being denied services required to treat a condition, and prevents higher premiums based on a person’s health status.

The legislation would make Wisconsin a leader in the Midwest on pre-existing condition coverage and one of only five states to ensure all three elements of protection. After negotiating with Governor Evers, the bill was amended to prohibit annual or lifetime caps on coverage. The bill passed 76-19, earning bipartisan support from leading Democrats including Minority Leader Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) and Representative Nick Milroy (D-South Range), who also represents part of the 25th Senate District.

“Dysfunction does not have to define Wisconsin politics,” said Quinn. “This example of bipartisanship should reassure voters than their elected officials can and do get the job done. I am proud to join my northern colleagues, both Democrat and Republican, to offer protections for people with pre-existing conditions. I hope our state senate will do the same so we can all fulfill our campaign promise of protecting those who find themselves in unfortunate healthcare situations.”

An estimated 852,000 people in Wisconsin have a medical condition that could prevent them from buying health insurance on their own if federal provisions were changed. Assembly Bill 1 ensures those individuals will have access to coverage.

Last Update: Jan 23, 2019 6:29 am CST

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