Representative Gae Magnafici Statement On Receiving The Outstanding Legislator Award By Wisconsin Counties Association

Representative Gae Magnafici Statement On Receiving The Outstanding Legislator Award By Wisconsin Counties Association

I am grateful and proud to receive the Outstanding Legislator Award from the Wisconsin Counties Association. The WCA is an organization that works tirelessly to promote county government and protect our state’s tradition of local governance. This award is given biennially to legislators who demonstrate “leadership and commitment” to these principles in the state legislature and their districts, and I am humbled and proud to be recognized for my efforts and achievements this past session.

Throughout the 2021-2022 Legislative Session, I worked to protect and promote our tradition of good governance and county government at the state level. I introduced AB 575, which clarified the tax-exempt status for facilities owned by Regional Planning Commissions (RPC). This bipartisan legislation helps counties and municipalities work to address the “physical, social, and economic development” of Wisconsin through RPCs, including helping develop new manufacturing operations and other high-paying jobs. I, alongside Senator Jerry Petrowski, testified before the Senate Committee on Transportation and Local Government in favor of this legislation last year and worked tirelessly to pass it in both the Assembly and Senate. I am proud that my bill was signed into law, becoming the 2021 Wisconsin Act 151.

I want to thank the Wisconsin Counties Association for presenting me with the Outstanding Legislator Award and the people of the 28th Assembly District for their hard work and dedication to our community. In this next session, I will continue to work for policies that will help local governments and families with the tools needed to improve our communities and economy.

Last Update: Aug 04, 2022 12:45 pm CDT

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