Representative Magnafici Votes To Fix Unemployment

Representative Gae Magnafici voted today to direct Governor Evers to upgrade Wisconsin’s failing Unemployment Insurance system.

Representative Magnafici Votes To Fix Unemployment

Press Release

MADISON, WI - Representative Gae Magnafici (R- Dresser) voted today to direct Governor Evers to upgrade Wisconsin’s failing Unemployment Insurance system.

She gave the following statement:

“It has been almost a year since the pandemic began. Layoffs, downsizing, and closed businesses have dominated the news, and Wisconsin families have felt the impact. A record number of our neighbors called on our state to provide basic unemployment insurance, but our state failed them. Instead of taking control of the situation, Governor Evers acted like it wasn’t his problem, even firing his Department of Workforce Development head.

Governor Evers had the money and authority to do this on his own, but instead he chose to do nothing. It’s time to end making excuses for the lack of action.

Today I voted to give Governor Evers a roadmap to get his unemployment system back on track- not for Governor Evers, but the people of Wisconsin still waiting for unemployment checks.”

According to the legislation, the computer upgrade must begin by June 30th. It only spends currently available funds. A link to the legislation can be found (below).


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Last Update: Feb 23, 2021 4:40 pm CST

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