
Rice Lake Elks Lodge Gives Back To The Community

Rice Elks Lodge #1441 invested $12,000 in the local community.

Rice Lake Elks Lodge Gives Back To The Community

RICE LAKE, WI -- Rice Lake Elks members made presentations of monetary grant dollars to multiple service groups recently. Funds were made possible from ENF-Elks National Foundation and WEA-Wisconsin Elks Association grants with additional fundraising initiatives supported by members and guests. Elks Lodges are assessed a per member dollar amount and if that goal is obtained the Lodge is eligible to apply for multiple grants as part of the Community Investment Program. Dues deduction is the most common way members participate. The mission of the program is to assist in building stronger communities.

Local Elks members have presented a list of suggested community groups to support, and a vote of the membership takes place to determine the final selection. Past Exalted Ruler, Marla Gygli is the local grant coordinator who formats the Elks application process, submits the paperwork and a decision is made by the Elks National Foundation and the Wisconsin Elks Leaders.

Funds were distributed earlier this year and in-person recognitions were Benjamin's House Emergency Shelter represented by Board Chairperson-Dan Thole and Executive Director-Lori Zahrbock, receiving $1,000 from an ENF funding.

Dan Thole-Chair of Board, Lori Zahrbock Ex-Director of Benjamin’s House, Marla Gygli Grant Coordinator at Elks, Anne Gallagher PER, and Jeff Miller PER

Natures Edge Therapy Center is represented by Becky Payne-Executive Director and board member Shawn Payne, receiving $1,000, from an ENF funding.

EX Ruler-Jeff Miller, PER Sandra Polzin, PER Anne Gallagher, Becky Payne EX Director of Natures Edge, Shawn Payne-Natures Edge Board Member

Barron County Special Olympics is represented by Brad Nelson-Team USA coach and local board member, receiving $600, from WEA funding.

Sandra Polzin PER, Brad Nelson Special Olympics Representative, Anne Gallagher PER

Presentations were made by Exalted Ruler Jeff Miller, Grant Coordinator Marla Gygli, Past Exalted Ruler Sandra Polzin, and Past Exalted Ruler Anne Gallagher.

Additional monetary awards from ENF funding went to We Share Food Pantry-$2,000; Lunch Bunch Program-$4,000; and Veterans Freedom Grant-$2,500. The local Elks Dictionary program was awarded $900 from WEA monies.

Rice Elks Lodge #1441 invested $12,000 in the local community following the Elks nationwide mission of making our area a better place to live and work.

Last Update: May 16, 2022 12:11 pm CDT

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