Press Release
Road work in the Village of Dallas, on CTH U, from CTH A to the Village limits, is expected to begin on Monday, July 27, 2020.
This funding was awarded to Barron County through the WisDOT Multimodal Local Supplement Project (MLS) funding and the work is being performed by Antczak Construction and Monarch Paving.
The work is expected to be completed within 35 days and will consist of removing and replacing road gravel and bituminous pavement. Traffic will be reduced to a single lane and will have a width restriction of nine feet (9’). All traffic unable to adhere to the restricted width will need to seek alternate routes. All driveways and side streets will be accessible upon the completion of each work day.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Barron County Highway Department at 715-637-3755.
As a reminder, when you encounter work zones, please pay attention as conditions may change. You are also reminded that the use of hand-held devices, such as cell phones, in a work zone is against the law. Please help protect yourself and all construction personnel by putting down the phone and paying attention to the road.
- Per Mark Servi, Barron County Highway Commissioner
Last Update: Jul 16, 2020 10:07 am CDT