Rural Council To Meet Wednesday In Chetek

First meeting with State Superintendent Carolyn Stanford Taylor

Rural Council To Meet Wednesday In Chetek

MADISON — The State Superintendent's Advisory Council on Rural Schools, Libraries, and Communities will hold its first meeting with State Superintendent Carolyn Stanford Taylor this Wednesday at Chetek- Weyerhauser High School in rural northwestern Wisconsin. Presentations on technology and digital learning are the headline. Other highlights include a student musical performance and a Chetek- Weyerhauser Area School District showcase tour.

District Administrator Mark Johnson will open the meeting at 9 a.m. He will introduce Stanford Taylor, who plans to commend Chetek-Weyerhauser for its success, which include a state report card rating of "significantly exceeds expectations" and recognition around positive behavior interventions and advancement placement courses.

At 9:15 a.m., Bill Herman of the Department of Public Instruction will review the current status of broadband access in rural Wisconsin for students and library patrons. At 9:40 a.m., participants will learn about technology in Chetek-Weyerhauser, including strengths and challenges. At 10:40, Janice Mertes of the Department of Public Instruction will discuss current opportunities related to digital learning and instruction, including connections to the Wisconsin Digital Learning Priorities.

The school's culinary arts class led by Anne Etten, family and consumer science teacher, and a vocal performance by local students directed by Julia Zappa, vocal music director, will be featured during lunch. In the afternoon, council members will learn more about the Chetek-Weyerhauser Area School District by choosing among school tours related to social and emotional learning, mental health services, academic interventions and supports, grading and assessment practices, and career and technical education.

  • WHO: State Superintendent Carolyn Stanford Taylor
  • WHAT: Advisory Council on Rural Schools, Libraries, and Communities
  • WHEN: Advisory Council Meeting
  • WHERE: Chetek-Weyerhaeuser High School, Purple Lab 1001 Knapp Street, Chetek

Last Update: Apr 23, 2019 12:19 pm CDT

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