SASD Broadband Survey Now Open

SASD Broadband Survey Now Open

Spooner Area School District (SASD) strives to partner with the community, business, and families, to offer an education experience that will prepare students for the workforce and educational opportunities within and beyond our community. As such, we wish to partner with our citizens and business owners to seek affordable broadband internet access throughout the district.  We believe access to affordable and reliable broadband keeps our community progressive, encourages tourism, helps SASD provide greater diversity in learning programs, and connects the community for a common purpose. Information collected through this survey will be used for long-term planning and potential broadband expansion grants available at the state and federal level.

Name and address information is only being collected to study the regions that are most or least interested in pursuing community-based broadband. Response rates will inform where we focus our efforts. Please take a few minutes to answer questions below. The survey will be open April 19, 2017, through May 21, 2017

Last Update: Apr 19, 2017 9:02 am CDT

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