SASD: Survey Shows Promising Trends

SASD: Survey Shows Promising Trends

Results of a staff survey recently conducted in the Spooner Area School District (SASD) show some promising trends. The District contracted with School Perceptions, a Slinger, WI, based independent research company, to conduct surveys of staff members in 2016 and 2017. The purpose of the survey was to identify strengths and challenges in District’s efforts to positively impact staff morale, engagement and retention. 

School Perception’s comprehensive survey asked for staff feedback in the categories of change readiness, student achievement, engagement and communication, culture, work environment, health and wellness, development and recognition, compensation and benefits, building leadership, district administration, school board and overall satisfaction. All District staff members were given the opportunity to participate in survey anonymously by e-mail. 74% of the District’s staff participated in the 2017 survey. 

Survey results showed improvement in a number of key areas between the 2016 and 2017. Significant growth was recorded in the areas of the District having a culture of open dialogue, employees recommending SASD to other seeking employment, the District’s honesty in communicating about important issues, School Board policies affecting employees being available and clearly communicated, trust in District administration, District administration presenting a positive image in the community and the School Board doing what it takes to make the District successful. Survey results showed a need for continued improvement in the areas of student achievement, communication as well as compensation and benefits. 

Members of the School Board and administration are encouraged by the staff survey results. School Board member, Julie Rich, noted, “This year’s Perception Survey results are so exciting. The survey is a credible tool used to measure our district’s strengths and weaknesses in the most transparent way possible. It truly gives a voice to staff concerns while giving us a way to prioritize our improvement initiatives. It shows us how far we have come and directs us where we need to go. We are certainly a work in progress, but I am proud of our enormous strides in the right direction.” SASD District Administrator, Dr. David Aslyn, said, “The survey results are cause for celebration. They are a reflection of the hard work taking place at all levels to move the SASD forward in a positive way to make our schools great places for children to learn and staff to work. A major focus in the upcoming school year will be to sustain the areas that are going well and improve areas identified for improvement.”

The School Perceptions staff survey will be conducted again in SASD in the spring of 2018. The 2016 and 2017 survey results are available on the SASD website at

Photo Credit: Holly S. Snyder

Last Update: Jul 25, 2017 1:16 pm CDT

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