
Sawyer County Health Department Issues Travel Advisory

Sawyer County Public Health Officer has issued a Travel Advisory Order.

Sawyer County Health Department Issues Travel Advisory

News Release


Pursuant to the obligations and powers set forth in the Wisconsin Statutes, including but not limited those in Wis. Stat. § 252.03(1) and Wis. Stat. § 252.06, the Sawyer County Public Health Officer has authority to set forth certain recommendations and directives to protect the health, welfare and safety of people and property in Sawyer County. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the continued spread of the COVID-19 virus in the United States and in Wisconsin, the Sawyer County Public Health Officer has issued a Travel Advisory Order.

This decision is consistent with the previous steps taken by Sawyer County to control the spread of COVIS-19 and the continued need to protect the health, welfare and safety of the people and property in Sawyer County. The Sawyer County Public Health Officer’s travel advisory is summarized below:

  1. Due to high community transmission in certain areas of the State, the Sawyer County Public Health Officer recommends that you stay in your permanent home and not travel to your seasonal or second home in Sawyer County. Due to the very limited healthcare infrastructure, please do not visit us now.
  2. People who have seasonal homes in Sawyer County are recommended to stay at your winter homes at this time. If you recently came from an area outside Sawyer County, you are encouraged to selfquarantine for fourteen (14) days in order to stop potential community-to-community spread.
  3. People must continue to comply with other applicable restrictions, such as the Wisconsin Governor’s various Executive Orders and the Illinois Governor’s “Stay at Home” Order issued to Illinois residents. Illinois’ “Stay at Home” Order effectively restricts Illinois residentsfrom coming to their second or seasonal home in Sawyer County.
  4. Sawyer County has a large population of older adults and vulnerable populations. These populations are at the highest risk of COVID-19; it is our priority to keep people in Sawyer County healthy and safe. Sawyer County Public Health promotes healthy lifestyles, strong communities and safe environments.
  5. Sawyer County has already taken steps to stop the spread of COVID-19, including the Sawyer County Board of Supervisors’ adoption of a COVID-19 Emergency Declaration. Please be aware that additional health and travel restrictions may be imposed in the future.
  6. The COVID-19 pandemic is an everchanging and very serious health situation, and Sawyer County needs to be diligent in its response to establish restrictions that are particular to the needs of Sawyer County’s residents.

For the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 follow Sawyer County Public Health website for official information: https://www.sawyercountygov.org/475/Public-Health and the Wisconsin DHS: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/covid-19/index.htm

Last Update: Mar 23, 2020 12:55 pm CDT

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