
Scott Walker Announced As Friday Morning Guest On DrydenWire Live!

The live chat will air on our Facebook page at approximately 8:30a on Friday, April 3, 2020.

Scott Walker Announced As Friday Morning Guest On DrydenWire Live!

Former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker will join Ben Dryden of DrydenWire.com as his guest Friday morning on DrydenWire Live!

The live chat, like all others, will air on our Facebook page (facebook.com/drydenwire) at approximately 8:30a on Friday, April 3, 2020. A recording of the live conversation will be published on our YouTube channel and our website by 12p.

Bio for Governor Scott Walker

Governor Scott Walker was raised with a heart for public service, patriotism, and hard work. He moved to the small town of Delavan, Wisconsin, when he was in third grade. There, his father was a minister and his mother worked part time as a bookkeeper and secretary. Scott was active in school, sports, church, Scouts, and American Legion’s Badger Boys State and Boys Nation programs.

In June 1993, Scott was elected to the state assembly, where he helped lead the way on welfare reform, public safety, and educational opportunities. In 2002, he was elected to the Milwaukee County executive office. In this position, Scott worked to reform the scandal-ridden county government and faithfully kept his promise to spend taxpayer money as if it were his own.

In 2008, he won re-election with nearly 60 percent of the vote. On November 2, 2010, Scott was elected the 45th Governor of Wisconsin. Inheriting a $3.6 billion budget deficit, $800 million worth of unpaid bills, and an eight percent unemployment rate, he immediately implemented reforms to renew economic revival, fiscal order, and government accountability in Wisconsin.

Scott became the only governor in American history to survive a recall election on June 5, 2012. He was re- elected in 2014 and sworn into a second term on January 5, 2015.

Scott is currently Young America’s Foundation’s president- elect, a role he will take on full-time in early 2021. He also serves as the chairman of the board of trustees for the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars within the Smithsonian Institute, is a senior advisor to the National Taxpayers Union, serves on the board of Students for Life Action, chairman of the Institute for Reforming Government, the Finance Chairman for the National Republican Redistricting Trust, a speaker with Worldwide Speakers Group and is national honorary chairman of the Center for State-led National Debt Solutions - which is leading the campaign for a Balanced Budget Amendment.

Last Update: Apr 02, 2020 11:03 am CDT

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