
Sen. Bewley, Rep. Milroy: Good News For The Village Of Poplar

Senator Janet Bewley and Representative Nick Milroy offered their congratulations to the Village of Poplar

Sen. Bewley, Rep. Milroy: Good News For The Village Of Poplar

Press Release

MADISON -- Senator Janet Bewley (D-Mason) and Representative Nick Milroy (D-South Range) offered their congratulations to the Village of Poplar upon receiving additional funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. This funding will help to offset the cost of repairs to the Village’s wastewater treatment plant damaged during the severe weather events of June, 2018.

“The citizens of the Village of Poplar have struggled with high sewer bills and the devastating 2018 flooding added a costly repair,” said Milroy. “Residents were facing increased sewer rates through no fault of their own. Working with State Senator Bewley, US Senator Baldwin, and Village President Randy Jones, we were able to secure the necessary funding to repair the wastewater treatment plant and limit the financial burden on local residents. Special thanks to the staff at FEMA and Wisconsin Emergency Management for helping with an appeal that reversed an earlier decision that denied the original request.”

“Northern Wisconsin has been hit hard by severe weather over the past several years and I am very proud of our community’s resilience and ability to come together in the aftermath of these storms,” said Bewley. “While recovery has been a remarkable team effort, I would like to especially thank Cody Kamrowski and the rest of the staff at Wisconsin Emergency Management, Pat Morrow, Former Senator Bob Jauch and Village President Randy Jones whose efforts have been instrumental in overseeing this project.”

Last Update: Sep 03, 2020 10:16 am CDT

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