Sen. Fitzgerald 'Stands Up For 2nd Amendment, Ends Evers’ Special Session On Gun Control'

The Wisconsin State Senate ended Governor Evers' special session on gun control

Sen. Fitzgerald 'Stands Up For 2nd Amendment, Ends Evers’ Special Session On Gun Control'

(Press Release) — On Thursday, the Wisconsin State Senate ended Governor Evers' special session on gun control. This follows weeks of promises from Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald that the Senate would reject any efforts by the governor to restrict the Second Amendment. After the close of the session, Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald released the following statement:

“In recent months we’ve seen liberals across the country run on a platform of support for gun confiscation, and Governor Evers himself has left the door open on backing similar proposals. I’ve said all along that the Senate would not go along with the governor’s plans for this special session.

“As I travel throughout southeastern Wisconsin, I regularly hear from individuals who ask me to protect their Second Amendment rights. As long as I represent the 13th Senate District in the Legislature, I will continue to do exactly that.”

Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) represents the 13th Senate District, which covers portions of Dodge, Jefferson, Waukesha, Washington, Dane, and Columbia counties.

Last Update: Nov 08, 2019 6:12 am CST

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