
Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald Praises Tax Cut Plan

'The newly introduced tax cut package reduces middle-class income taxes by nearly $250 million'

Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald Praises Tax Cut Plan

Madison, WI -- Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald released the following statement today in support of the newly introduced plan to cut taxes:

“Since late last year, I’ve wanted to see a tax cut for hard-working families. Wisconsin is in great fiscal shape and we should prioritize giving money back to taxpayers.

“The size of our budget surplus was much higher than I ever anticipated. After discussions with the Senate Republican caucus and Speaker Vos, I fully support the direction we’re headed with this plan. Wisconsin Republicans are once again putting taxpayers first. Our reforms have left the state with a massive surplus that belongs to the taxpayers.”

The newly introduced tax cut package reduces middle-class income taxes by nearly $250 million by changing the standard deduction tables. Additionally, almost $45 million would go toward decreasing personal property taxes and $100 million would pay off general fund supported borrowing.

Majority Leader Fitzgerald and Republicans have cut taxes by more than $13 billion over the last ten years, according to estimates by the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau.

Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) represents the 13th Senate District, which covers portions of Dodge, Jefferson, Waukesha, Washington, Dane, and Columbia counties

Last Update: Feb 14, 2020 11:52 am CST

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