Senator Patty Schachtner Works For Better Broadband

'Schachtner Participates in the Governor’s Taskforce on Broadband Access As Mission, Values and Goals Begin to Take Shape'

Senator Patty Schachtner Works For Better Broadband

Press Release

(MADISON) – Senator Patty Schachtner (D-Somerset) participated in the second meeting of the Governor’s Taskforce on Broadband Access today. She was appointed as one of four legislative members of this important task force that is working to make investments and policy changes to encourage broadband connection everywhere in Wisconsin.

“Today the taskforce began its work in earnest, focusing on affordable access to broadband in all areas of the state. The discussion included the importance of solving current, urgent needs, while incorporating a vision for future technology developments and growth,” said Senator Schachtner. “Helping children in our community have full educational opportunities is more important than ever. I am optimistic our work will lead to equitable opportunity for all children in northwest Wisconsin, wherever they live. The Investments our public and private partners make today will improve the economy in Wisconsin for years to come.”

The taskforce is charged with researching and recommending policies and initiatives that will meet the state’s broadband goals and needs, promote strategic expansion and adoption around the state, especially in rural areas, and develop solutions with key stakeholders and experts. This effort will result in an annual report to the Governor and the Legislature laying out real, practical solutions to finally get this work done to meet the challenges of our 21st century economy.

State Senator Patty Schachtner proudly represents Wisconsin’s tenth senate district with 178,250 constituents. The district covers parts of Burnett, Dunn, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix counties.

Last Update: Oct 28, 2020 12:15 pm CDT

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