Senator Rob Stafsholt Reacts To Evers’ Proposal

Senator Rob Stafsholt issued the following statement about Governor Evers’ proposed budget.

Senator Rob Stafsholt Reacts To Evers’ Proposal

Madison, WI – Senator Rob Stafsholt (R - New Richmond) issued the following statement about Governor Evers’ proposed budget:

“Throughout the last few weeks, Governor Evers has been making it clear he plans to spend the entire surplus on special interests, pet projects and expanding government. Now that he has released his entire big government wish list, it is clear he has crafted a political budget that is completely disingenuous to the hardworking people of my district in Northwestern Wisconsin.

The Governor knows what he is doing when it comes to disingenuous budgeting. This is his third budget proposal in a row that he will use to deceive people into thinking they’re getting everything they’ve wished for. He knows that type of budgeting would actually destroy the state’s finances and leave taxpayers on the hook in the future. He can do that because he knows the legislature will use some of his ideas, but ultimately, that we will be responsible and prioritize while building the budget.

Two years ago, Governor Evers sent the legislature the same type of bloated document that raised taxes, expanded government, and overspent on an unsustainable special interest wish list. Fortunately, my colleagues and I worked together to create a truly conservative budget that cut taxes for the middle class, invested in education and healthcare, and left the state with a surplus balance. And you know what? After all that, the Governor signed our responsible budget because he knew it was good for the state.

Over the next few months, the legislature will again work to build a budget that responsibly funds the state’s priorities, addresses our responsibilities, cuts taxes and ensures Wisconsin is set up for the future. I look forward to working with my colleagues throughout the budget process and I am hopeful the end product reflects the will and wishes of the hardworking people of my 10th Senate District.”

Last Update: Feb 16, 2023 8:19 am CST

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