Senator Stafsholt Recognized For Building Wisconsin

State Senator Rob Stafsholt was recognized by ABC-WI for his work during the last legislative session.

Senator Stafsholt Recognized For Building Wisconsin

State Senator Rob Stafsholt (New Richmond) was recognized by Associated Builders and Contractors of Wisconsin (ABC-WI) for his work during the last legislative session getting more people into the skilled construction trades, especially high school students who are looking for an alternative to a four-year college education.

ABC-WI is a construction trades association made up of nearly 1,000 members throughout Wisconsin.

[Photo caption: Stafsholt (left) was presented last week with the Building Wisconsin award by Jessie LaVenture of LaVenture Crane and Rigging (Right) in New Richmond. The award is a hard hat manufactured by Milwaukee Tool at their Wisconsin manufacturing facility.]

Last Update: Aug 08, 2023 10:14 am CDT

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