Shell Lake Police Foundation Being Organized

Shell Lake Police Foundation Being Organized

SHELL LAKE, Wis. -- Shell Lake will soon have a Foundation to support the Police Department. On July 26, 2017, the 1st meeting was held to discuss the organization of the new Foundation.

“We discussed many things at our 1st meeting,” said Kate Folstad, the secretary/treasurer of the newly formed foundation. “We accomplished a lot and have the framework put together.”

Part of that framework was announcing the President and Vice President.

Bethany Feidt will be President, Bill Jenderny is the Vice President, and Kate Folstad is the Secretary & Treasurer. While the Police Department is the face of the Foundation, these individuals will be the faces behind making the Foundation successful.

“I am very excited to have these 3 individuals organizing and managing this foundation,” said Shell Lake Police Chief, Dave Wilson. “We are very fortunate to have such a dedicated and talented leadership team and I have no doubt they will make this special.”

The goal of the Shell Lake Police Foundation is multifaceted, but serves two main functions: to generate money that is specifically dedicated to the Shell Lake Police Department (SLPD) and to promote the SLPD by way of events and activities for the Department to be more involved with the community.

As to the former, many people do not know that if a community member, organization, or business, wanted to give/donate $100 to the SLPD, they either could not accept it, or they would give that directly to the City of Shell Lake because they are not able to accept donations of any kind. Where would that money go? Who knows. That would be decided by the City, but more times than not, the Police Department would never see that $100. 

“Now citizens can donate directly to the Shell Lake PD via Shell Lake Police Foundation,” Kate said. “We can then speak with the Chief and discuss the best way we can use that money to support our local Police Department.”

As to the latter, the Shell Lake Police Department is seen as law enforcement, as it should be, but does not have the time or budget to do community involvement and proactive activities in, and for the community. The Foundation should change that.

“The Foundation doesn't work for us,” Chief Wilson said. “We are here in a supporting role and simply give suggestions to what we could do for the community in relation to events, and simply sharing with the Foundation the needs of our Department.”

One example of that would be to hold fundraisers like a Cops vs Kids Whiffle Ball game in order to generate revenue for the Foundation.  That money could then be used to buy bike cones and kids helmets to hold a Bike Rodeo in Shell Lake, for example. 

"I am pleased and surprised by how many people have come forward with interest in working with the Foundation,” said Chief Wilson. “This Foundation will be a great way for our Police Department to interact with the citizens of Shell Lake.”

If anyone is interested in coming to the meetings – the next meeting is scheduled for August 7th, 5:30 pm at the Shell Lake City Hall. Questions about the Shell Lake Police Foundation can be directed to Chief Wilson at the Shell Lake City Hall by calling 715-468-7640, or to Katie Folstad at 715-529-2915.

Last Update: Aug 04, 2017 9:43 am CDT

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