Sheriff Fitzgerald Shares His Thoughts on Tragedy in Florida

Sheriff Fitzgerald Shares His Thoughts on Tragedy in Florida

A couple of thoughts on the tragedy yesterday in Florida.

Our prayers are with the families, school and law enforcement that responded to this incident. 

I don't know why these happen or how to stop them, but what I do know is that Barron County Law Enforcement is prepared to respond to an incident like this and we have and are continuing to prepare our schools, businesses, churches and anyone who wants to learn more on how keep themselves and their families safe by providing ALICE training.

This training is free of charge and we will do it morning, noon or at night because having prepared schools, businesses etc. only enhances and increases the safety of everyone

Contact Sheriff Fitzgerald at or 715-637-6737 to set up a time for a training. The trainings are about 1 hour for the power point and questions and if you have time and space about 1/2 hour more for active drills to practice what we talk about.

The other thing everyone can do is talk about these incidents, yes they are not fun to talk about, but it will better prepare us, reduce stress on our kids when they know there is a plan and increase awareness on active threats incidents.

One more thing we all have to do is report incidents to law enforcement when someone at your school, work or wherever says "I should just blow this place up" or “I should bring a gun tomorrow". Maybe they are letting off steam but in today's world these statements are not ok and we have to look into them. Don't be that person that thought that kid might do something and never told anyone. See IT, Hear IT, Report IT

Thanks for the support you give law enforcement in Barron County that allows us to make sure we have the tools and training for an incident like this that we hope we never have to lose.

Sheriff Fitzgerald

Last Update: Feb 24, 2018 10:15 am CST

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