Parents Who Host, Lose the Most: Don’t be a party to teenage drinking
Prom and graduation are important events in young peoples’ lives. Parents often celebrate these events by hosting parties for children and inviting their children’s friends. Unfortunately, alcohol is often provided to underage youth at some of these parties by adults.
The Barron County Community Coalition and Barron County Sheriff’s Department have joined forces to prevent adult-hosted drinking parties in Barron County using the “Parents Who Host Lose the Most: Don’t Be a Party to Underage Drinking” campaign.
This community effort alerts parents to the legal and health-related consequences of purchasing, providing or pouring alcohol for anyone under age 21, other than their own child.
“The Sheriff’s Department takes underage drinking and the adults who sell or serve alcohol to youth very seriously,” reports Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald. “Those who purchase, provide, or pour alcohol for anyone under age 21, except their own child, is breaking the law and will be charged under state or municipal law.”
In addition to promoting this campaign, Barron County Sheriff’s Department conducts alcohol age compliance checks to confirm that local vendors comply with laws prohibiting the sales of alcohol to anyone under age 21.
“Underage drinking is illegal, has long-term health consequences, and is a factor in all five of the leading causes of death among youth.” said Public Health Specialist, Jeanine Schultz. “We want this to be a happy prom and graduation season, underage drinking isn’t part of that picture.”
If you would like to help promote this campaign by posting a yard sign, sticker or flyer, please contact the Barron County Community Coalition at
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Last Update: Apr 23, 2018 11:48 am CDT