Sheriff Mrotek: We Will Not Be Responding To Complaints Of People Not Wearing Masks

'The Sawyer County Sheriff’s Office supports individual actions to reduce the spread of COVID-19'

Sheriff Mrotek: We Will Not Be Responding To Complaints Of People Not Wearing Masks

Press Release

Governor Evers has released an emergency order requiring face coverings to be worn by everyone over the age of 5 indoors or in an enclosed space with some exceptions including at a private residence.

The Sawyer County Sheriff’s Office supports individual actions to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Those actions include but are not limited to social distancing, proper washing of hands, use of hand sanitizers and the use of personal protective equipment, including face coverings. We appreciate the efforts of business owners who have taken numerous steps to keep people healthy with the use of safety barriers, social distance arrangements and disinfecting procedures.

Related: Barron County DA: Office Will Not Prosecute Referrals For Violations Of Mask Mandate

In order to provide some clarification, please be advised that the Sawyer County Sheriff’s Office will not be responding to complaints of individuals violating the Governor’s order, nor will it be taking any direct law enforcement actions as it relates to the Governor’s face covering mandate. Consistent with our understanding of Emergency Order #1, the goal is compliance and education and is not meant to be punitive.

However, the Sawyer County Sheriff’s Office will respond to reports or complaints from business owners or managers requesting that an individual leave a premise for failing to comply with the face covering mandate as it relates to that specific premise.

Related: Burnett County Sheriff Tracy Finch Issues Statement On Mask Mandate

Please know, during this time of uncertainty for individuals and families, we will do our best to offer the services and support our community needs. We appreciate the willingness of our citizens to comply with the order and recommendations of the various agencies overseeing this unprecedented health emergency, and for doing their part to help our community navigate through this difficult time.

Related: Sheriff Stuart: We Will Not Participate In Any Enforcement In Regards To Wearing Masks

The Sawyer County Public Health Department will be responding to calls and concerns regarding the masking requirement which is a public health concern. Those concerns can be addressed to: or 715-638-3352.

- Per Sheriff Doug Mrotek

Last Update: Jul 31, 2020 3:24 pm CDT

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