
Siren Police Chief Chris Sybers Announces Retirement

Sybers started career in Law Enforcement in 1991 and has been the Siren Police Chief for past 19 years.

Siren Police Chief Chris Sybers Announces Retirement

SIREN, WI -- After 32 years in Law Enforcement, Siren Police Chief Chris Sybers is set to retire, according to a statement submitted by Chief Sybers to DrydenWire.com today.


I would like to start off by saying Thank you for the opportunity to serve the Village of Siren and surrounding communities. Some people may think that it is an easy job to do in a small community, however, that is not the case. Because when you live and work in a small town you get to know everyone. Parents, kids, grandparents, you get to know whole families.

People should know that I started in law enforcement in 1991 and will be ending my career with 32 years in law enforcement. I believe I have given my heart and soul to this career and 23 years of that have been in Siren. Four years as a part-time officer and 19 years as your Police Chief.

I have seen and done things protecting this community that many people will never know about. The call-outs in the middle of the night, the vehicle accidents, the many death calls some of them being people I knew. The shooting calls, the drug abuse calls, the sexual assault calls. All the situations that stay with you for a very long time. Only a law enforcement officer can understand how these situations stick with you.

This job also comes with many rewarding and gratifying moments as well. When you see a child born, helping children of all ages in the school. The excitement on the faces of the kids when you come into their classrooms to read them a story or sit down at their tables and chat with them during lunch. Sharing knowledge with high school kids in lectures about situations to help them make good decisions as they graduate and move on in their next chapter heading into their futures and supporting many of the kids. I have enjoyed watching all the sports games at the school.

The rewards continue as people of the village stop in the PID from time to time to say Thank You for taking the time to help them with their situation no matter what it was. Even getting a stubborn dog off a frozen lake that took more than a week.

I would like to give the Village an ample amount of time to start the process for a new Chief. My goal is to be done in the first week of August.

I would like to again thank the Board for my career and for the time that I have been here. It has been an honor to serve this community as the Chief of Police.

- Chris Sybers

Last Update: Jun 03, 2022 6:40 am CDT

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