
Siren Closes High School For In-person Learning Due To Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

Siren has closed the high school from Monday, September 21 through October 2, 2020 for in-person learning

Siren Closes High School For In-person Learning Due To Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

BURNETT COUNTY — The Siren School District says in a letter that they have been informed by the county health department that there are 2 confirmed COVID-19 cases with individuals in the high school.

As a result, they have closed the high school from Monday, September 21 through October 2, 2020 for in-person learning. High school students will be continuing their education virtually with remote learning. This closure includes all activities, practices, and events for high school students. Activities may resume on October 3, 2020. In-person classes will resume on Monday, October 5, 2020.

Read the full letter here, or view below if your device supports our in-page viewer (in-page viewer currently not supported on most Android devices and some browsers).

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Last Update: Sep 21, 2020 1:46 pm CDT

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