
Spooner Health, Washburn County Public Health Complete 2021 Community Health Needs Assessment

With the survey results, Spooner Health and Washburn County Public Health will...

Spooner Health, Washburn County Public Health Complete 2021 Community Health Needs Assessment

WASHBURN COUNTY -- Spooner Health and Washburn County Public Health have completed and published the results of the 2021 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA).

A CHNA is a systematic process involving the community to identify and analyze community health needs and assets, prioritize those needs, and then implement a plan to address significant needs. The Affordable Care Act requires non-profit hospitals like Spooner Health to complete a CHNA every three years. With the survey results, Spooner Health and Washburn County Public Health will:

  • Promote collaboration and partnerships within the community
  • Support community-based strategic planning
  • Write grants to support the community’s engagement with local healthcare services
  • Educate groups about emerging issues and community priorities
  • Support community advocacy and/or policy development

The CHNA was administrated by HealthTechS3 based out of Brentwood, TN.

Primary data was collected through an online community survey that opened on October 5, 2021 and closed on December 1, 2021. Paper surveys were also distributed throughout Washburn County and were available at select public locations. There were a total of 320 survey respondents. A variety of secondary data sources were also used to obtain data about both health trends and health disparities.

From the survey findings, HealthTechS3 and the Community Health Improvement Planning committee (CHIP) met in January 2022 to further assess information and determine health need priorities. These needs were then evaluated based on those that best relate to the hospital’s mission, urgency, feasibility within the hospital’s resources, existing community strengths, and opportunities to partner with other local organizations. The top needs identified are listed below:

  1. Mental Health
  2. Substance Use
  3. Access to Care

The next steps to addressing these issues is to create a three-year implementation plan. That plan will be developed and approved by July 6, 2022.

Mike Schafer, CEO of Spooner Health and member of the CHIP committee says, “The community health needs assessment gives us a road map over the next three years to really address the top health priorities for Washburn County. We have such a dynamic and collaborative steering committee that I am looking forward to the progress that will inevitably be made.”

Complete survey findings and implementation can be found here.

Last Update: Mar 14, 2022 11:16 am CDT

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