Spooner's 3nd Annual Giving Fence Is Up and Running

Spooner's 3nd Annual Giving Fence Is Up and Running

DrydenWire.com first reported on the 'Giving Fence' in the fall of 2015, a project started by Jeff Mortier, of Spooner, WI.

Jeff had seen a need in the community for warm clothing for the cold season and decided to fill that need.

He decided that the fence around his property in Spooner would be a great place that individuals could bring items to be donated.

Photo from 2016

Anyone in need of some winter gear is welcome to stop by and choose items that have been donated and to also donate items that you have to help out others.

As of today, November 27th, 2017, The Giving Fence is officially back up and running.

Donations of warm, new or gently used winter apparel and goods of all kinds are needed.

Anyone wishing to donate can hang the items on the Giving Fence located at 1002 River Street on the northeast corner of River and Spruce streets in the city of Spooner in front of the home of Jeff Mortier.

Photo from 2016

“I will keep the Fence active as long as donations keep coming in and people continue to pick up the items,” said Jeff to DrydenWire.com in a conversation with us last year. Items are brought inside in the event of rainy weather.

Jeff invites those who wish to donate to simply hang the items right on the Fence, either with a hanger or drape them over the Fence.

Photo from 2017

Last Update: Nov 28, 2017 9:50 am CST

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