Spooner's ReStore is Not Closing

Spooner's ReStore is Not Closing

SPOONER -- “Ever since the Reinhart Corporation put their FOR LEASE sign under our ReStore sign a little over a week ago, we've been asked by many people if we're closing”, said store manager, Jodi Bunnell.

She went on to say that the store has been planning a move out of their high-rent building into one they were able to buy, so a move in the spring has been planned for some time.

Jennifer Johnson, the Executive Director, already has her staff in place at their new location in the building formerly owned by the Larson Care dealership north of Spooner's downtown on highway 63.

Not everyone knows that the ReStore business was created to use its proceeds by building homes and hope in the community. That means that every time you buy something, be it appliances, furniture, building materials, household items, etc, you are creating funds and building needs for the Habitat for Humanity program which provides critical home repair, weatherization, and home preservation as well as new builds.

Not only is the money generated by ReStore used for these projects, but often housing materials like cabinets, toilets, doors, and trim are used for the new builds, coming directly from a ReStore location.

These stores rely on volunteers to keep their operating costs down and donations of items from the public that generate income. They've never taken clothes or shoes and now they no longer accept computers and televisions.

The store, in their current location and later in their new location, opens Wednesday through Saturday from 9a to 5p and takes donations during their business hours and only until 3p.

This Wild River's Habitat helps fund the communities of Washburn, Polk, Rush and Burnett Counties building safe and affordable houses for everyone needing a hand up, not a handout.

Not only are the houses affordable, but they come with a low-interest loan and the future owners "sweat equity" figured into the final price.

ReStore has an easy to navigate website if you'd like more information, wildrivershabitat.org and you can visit them on FaceBook or stop in and ask about volunteering or to see if you're eligible for a Habitat house.

Last Update: Jan 06, 2018 7:56 am CST

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